70AD is a crucial date to understand Scripture, without the well known and well documented knowledge of the historical events in Jerusalem around 40 years after our Lord Jesus Christ ascended to his throne, the sense of urgency through out the Epistles, the Book of Acts and the Book of Revelation seem out of place.
The True Israel was aware of the impending doom prophesied by our Lord Jesus Christ on the Olivet Discourse. In Matthew 24 Jesus warns his disciples to watch out for the signs: “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand) the let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains”
Our King on Psalm 12 tells us the story of an abandoned Jerusalem, all the godly have left, old the “faithful have vanished” all that are left are the liars, the sexually immoral and our King has made an end to the wicked, in judgement, as promised of those that prosecuted the True Israel, the Church.
God promises in this Psalm protection for the needy, for the poor in Christ, for his children and a chilling realization that even if we are surrounded by evil and vileness is exalted, God will protect us from any wicked and twisted generation.
We live in a society of lies, the truth is hard to find and common sense is at a premium, the wicked think that with their tongues they will prevail, the wicked try to drown the truth in a sea of insults, they deny God, revile his Son and refuse the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Our safe guard is in the word of God, discernment and wisdom delivered via Scripture, we turn to politicians, actors, pastors and religious leaders for an explanation of Scripture and thus forsaking the healing words of God.
You can read every book on theology under the sun but if Scripture is secondary the wisdom and healing balm of God’s word can not reach your heart.
In all things seek God first.